PPP Dictatmen: Congreso Nacional Cámara de Senadores Sesiones Ordinarias de 2016 Orden del Dia Nº 951 Impreso el Día 8 de Noviembre de 2016 - Sumario (PPP Law)

Publication Year
Publication Year


Sumario : Comisión de Infraestructura, Vivienda y Transporte y de Asuntos Administrativos y Municipales

Dictamen en las modificaciones introducidas por la Honorable Cámara de Diputados al proyecto de ley que le fuera enviado en revisión por el que se crea un régimen de contratación público-privada celebrado entre la administración pública nacional centralizada y descentralizada y sujetos privados. (PE-61/16)

Birmingham Highways Maintenance and Management Service PFI - Project Agreement & Schedules

Publication Year
Contract between Birmingham City Council (Authority) and Amey Birmingham Highways Ltd (Service Provider) relating to the rehabilitation, maintenance, management and operation of the roads and street lighting network in the City of Birmingham pursuant to the Government’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI).

Stimulating the Demand for Good Governance

Publication Year

Stimulating Demand for Good Governance: Eight Strategic Recommendations for Intesifying the Role of the World Bank\

World Bank

This report examines the impact that citizen demand for good governance (DFGG) can have on development effectiveness. It analyzes World Bank and other donor experience with support for DFGG; constraints to intensifying support for DFGG within the World Bank; and possible ways to enhance the impact of DFGG on development outcomes.

Croatia: Procurement Act

Publication Year
IRT Vehicle


Public Procurement Act

This Act regulates procedures for the award of public contracts and framework agreements for the procurement of supplies, works or services, legal protection in relation to those procedures and the competences of the central state administration body competent for the public procurement system.