Les PPP dans le domaine de la technologie propre

Dans cette section, le site du PPPLRC met l'accent sur les projets de PPP dédiés à la menace du changement climatique grâce à l’intégration de caractéristiques visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et à s’adapter aux impacts de ce changement climatique.

Renewable Energy Toolkits

In this section, you'll find links to toolkits for evaluating and setting up public-private partnerships for renewable energy.

Preparing, Procuring and Implementing Climate-Smart PPPs

Infrastructure and its services may become increasingly affected by climate change-related extreme weather events as well as by gradual, longer-term incremental changes. It is therefore essential to incentivize investment in low-carbon PPPs and to ensure that changing climate conditions and potential climate change mitigation and adaptation measures are identified and considered during the development, design and implementation of each individual PPP project.

Climate-Smart PPPs

To deliver climate-smart infrastructure solutions, private investment and expertise is essential, including sustainable infrastructure finance through public-private partnership (PPP) models. This section of the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center website provides links to policies, legislation, project documents and other resources that are relevant for developing, structuring and implementing climate-smart PPP projects.

Compendium on Public Private Partnerships in Urban Infrastructure – Case Studies

Publication Year


Compendium on Public Private Partnerships in Urban Infrastructure – Case Studies, Ernst and Young in collaboration with the Ministry of Urban Development of the Government of India and the Confederation of Indian Industry