Find types of financial instruments that can be utilized for climate finance, the definition of each financial instrument, and related examples of climate finance providers from public and private sources.
Different climate finance sources have diverse focuses and criteria that bear on the kinds of project activities they will finance. Find them in this section.
Module 7 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. Key considerations if the Relevant Authority consider bundling multiple assets as part of a single Asset Recycling transaction.
Module 6 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. It is important the Relevant Authority tailor the bid evaluation parameters aligned to meeting the objective of the transaction.
Module 5 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. This term sheet sets out a framework for the terms and conditions to be set out in the Asset Recycling Agreement.
Module 4 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. This annexure sets out sector-specific asset recycling guidelines for the ports sector including sector-specific due diligence requirements, sample risk allocation matrix and sample terms of reference (TOR) for selection of transaction advisors.