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Disclaimer: The resources on this site is usually managed by third party websites. The World Bank does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided, or for any broken links or moved resources. Any changes in the underlying website or link may result in changes to the analysis and recommendations set forth on the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center. The inclusion of documents on this website should not be construed as either a commitment to provide financing or an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project. If you have any comments on any of the links provided on the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center, please get in touch here

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Watch this space. This is a new section of the website and is currently in draft form. The World Bank Group Infrastructure Finance Academy is working closely working with universities, development partners and governments to continuously share lessons learned and real-world examples. For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the PPP Resource Center at or take a Quick Survey.



PPP Online Learning

The WBG Infrastructure Finance Academy is actively collaborating with universities, development partners and governments to share lessons learned and real-world examples in the field of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). This section offers a rich and supportive learning environment through an interactive learning journey, available both an in-person and virtually.

PPP Hot Topics

In partnership with the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF), Egyptian Ministry of Finance, African Development Bank (AfDB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), World Bank and the World Association of PPP Units and Professionals (WAPPP), the WBG Infrastructure Finance Academy organizes a series of events aimed at providing valuable insights into PPPs.

These workshops are designed to offer specialized knowledge and practical skills tailored for PPP units and professionals in Africa and Asia. The series goes beyond standard training, focussing on niche and emerging topics, and emphasizes knowledge-sharing from experienced PPP units in developing countries, enriched with expertise from International Financial Institutions (IFIs). 

Workshop Topics Include:

WBG Learning Platforms

  • The Open Learning Campus (OLC) is the World Bank’s primary platform for learning about the Bank and international development. While much of the content is publicly accessible, participation in specific learning programs requires an OLC account.

Additional Learning Opportunities Include:

Other Learning Platforms

  • PPP MOOC: The massive open online course on PPPs, designed to help learners understand the role of PPPs and equip professionals with essential skills. The course includes video lectures, readings, quizzes and other leaning material and is also available in French. 

  • ALSF Academy is an innovative web-based platform that provides e-learning courses and related materials, including comprehensive course handbooks, model agreements, practice guides and sector-specific publications. 

  • BIDAcademy by the Inter-American Development Bank: This platform promotes capacity building and training across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to foster sustainable development in the region.

  • UNICEF Agora: A global hub for learning, providing access to all of UNICEF's learning opportunities, including the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPLab-UNICEF project), which offers an online course based on the content of the PPPLab Food & Water Insights series.

  • ESCAP Training materials: Developed by the ESCAP Secretariat, this online course covers major issues related to PPPs and is available in multiple languages, including Khmer and Burmese. Participants can also earn a PPP certificate upon completion.

  • Capacity Building Program: The PPP Center in Philippines conducts a series of capacity building activities (CBAs), offering targeted and customized training to help stakeholders successfully implement viable PPP projects.


Ezplore the sections below or search our Library for resources on Infrastructure Finance and PPPs.

Growing Infrastructure, Clean Energy Program
Infrastructure Asia (InfraAsia), World Bank Group (WBG) and Singapore Management University (SMU) have joined hands to… more
Benchmarking Infrastructure Development – Launch…
Sign up for the Benchmarking Infrastructure Development – Launch Event
World Bank Group Open Learning Campus (OLC)
Register for OLC.  If you are a new user, click on “Create one” highlighted in the screenshot below to Create Account… more
Inter-American Development Bank: BIDAcademy
BIDAcademy provides free courses, publications, research, and tools that serve professionals practitioners and students… more
World Bank Group Guarantees platform (Main…
Leveraging the World Bank Group’s collective expertise over 80 years of engagement with governments, the guarantee… more
E-Learning Series on Public-Private Partnerships
The course is divided into several modules addressing the major issues related to PPPs. Module 1: PPP Concept,… more
UNICEF Agora learning portal
Agora is UNICEF's global hub for learning and development. This free web platform provides access to all of UNICEF's  … more
Workshop 1: How to Deal with Inflation, Exchange…
Co-organized by the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF), Egyptian Ministry of Finance,… more
Workshop 2: PPP Project Preparation Funds
Co-organized by the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF), Egyptian Ministry of Finance,… more
ALSF Academy
The materials for the ALSF Academy are developed in cooperation with world-class experts and key institutional partners… more

Disclaimer: The resources on this site is usually managed by third party websites. The World Bank does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided, or for any broken links or moved resources. Any changes in the underlying website or link may result in changes to the analysis and recommendations set forth on the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center. The inclusion of documents on this website should not be construed as either a commitment to provide financing or an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project. If you have any comments on any of the links provided on the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center, please get in touch here