
Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the award of concession contracts.

This directive is part of a package of legal acts designed to modernise public procurement rules across the European Union (EU). The reforms will allow public authorities to optimise their use of public procurement. Public contracts that are covered by the European directives are valued at around EUR 420 billion, making it a key driver of the EU economy.

Sample Bidding Document - Request for Bids (RFB)- Works- Roads (Output and Performance-Based Road Contracts- OPBRC)

This SPD has been updated to reflect the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, July, 2016 as amended from time to time. This SPD is applicable to the Procurement of Works and Services under Output-and Performance-Based Road Contracts (OPBRC) funded by IBRD or IDA-financed projects whose Legal Agreement makes reference to the Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers.

La experiencia española en concesiones y APPs: Puertos y aeropuertos

El presente documento es el capítulo 3 de un informe de consultoría sobre las asociaciones público-privadas (APPs) en España, donde se hace un somero recorrido sobre la evolución de fórmulas que han producido su gran desarrollo en los últimos 10 años, identificando los principales rasgos de la tradición y práctica española en materia de APPs y analizando detalladamente las motivaciones, marco jurídico y modalidades de contratación.

Lima Bulk Water Supply Concession (BOT)

El proyecto comprende el diseño, financiamiento, construcción, operación y mantenimiento de obras nuevas y obras existentes con el objetivo de incrementar la disponibilidad de agua potable para ampliar y mejorar el servicio a 1.5 millones de habitantes en el Este y Sur de Lima. Este proyecto se implementará en 2 fases cuyas obras están constituidas por lo siguiente:

Fase 1:
a) Diseño, financiamiento, construcción, operación y mantenimiento de las siguientes Obras Nuevas:

Concession for water and sewerage services for Emfapa utility for Tumbes Peru

30 year concession agreement to supply water and sewerage services to Tumbes city through operating Emfapa.

Peruvian-Argentine consortium Latinaguas Concisa beat three other short-listed bidders to claim the 30-year concession.

The winner offered an investment of US$31.4mn to upgrade basic services through construction projects in Tumbes city in a first stage over five years.

The concession will require roughly US$62mn in investment, of which German development bank KFW will provide 17.5mn euros (US$21.9mn). The state will extend 4mn euros for initial works.

Decreto Supremo No. 013-93: Approving Consolidated text of Telecommunications Act

Approval of the Consolidated Text of the " Telecommunications Act " which consists of one (1 ) preliminary, four ( 4) titles , one hundred one (101 ) articles, three ( 3) additional, three ( 3) transitional provisions and a final provision , which It is part of this Supreme Decree.

Find more at Telecommunications / Information & Communication Technology PPPs

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