PPP Act 42/2012 of 7 September 2012 (Regime Jurídico das Parcerias Público Privada)

PPP Act 42/2012 of 7 Septembre 2012 - Decreto-Lei No. 42/2012 de 7 de Setembro "Regime Jurídico das Parcerias Público Privada" (Portuguese). This Act establishes the legal framework for agreements between the State and private entities regarding PPP projects. 


Tracking Number:

Timor Leste_PPP Act 42-2012 of 7 Septembre 2012 (Regime Juridico das Parcerias Publico Privada)_Portuguese.pdf

The New Timor-Leste PPP Law: A “giant leap” towards development?

Following the 1999 United Nations-sponsored referendum which led to the independence of Timor-Leste, the existing infrastructures were shattered and destroyed by pro-Indonesia militias. The country was left literally with no national power grid, bridges, roads, reliable communications or water supply systems. Even though Timor-Leste has been consistently achieving two digit growth rates for the past decade, the country is still ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world.

PPIAF Supports Timor-Leste's First PPP Project

Since 2011, PPIAF has assisted the Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) to attract private-sector investment in the country’s greenfield container-port terminal in Tibar Bay, outside the capital city, Dili. With this assistance, the government identified this as a priority public-private partnership (PPP) project in 2011, then spent the next five years developing it, while also building its own institutional capacity.