Title: Dedicated Public-Private Partnership Units: A Survey of Institutional and Governance Structures

Language: English

Type: Publication

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2010

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPPs by Topic *, Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms **, Public Sector

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

OECD. 2010. Dedicated Public-Private Partnership Units: A Survey of Institutional and Governance Structures. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. [#2257]

Document Details:

This book provides an overview of dedicated PPP units in OECD countries, including case studies covering: the State of Victoria (Australia), Germany, Korea, South Africa (an OECD enhanced engagement country), and the United Kingdom. It examines the functions and locations of dedicated PPP units, the role they play in the procurement process and the lessons learned for other countries that have already established or are considering establishing a dedicated PPP unit.

For more information on PPP Units visit PPP Units around the World.

Related Information: 

PPP Units around the World

Updated: October 19, 2024