Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited
IDFC was set up in 1997 by the Government of India along with various Indian banks and financial institutions and IFIs.
IDFC was set up in 1997 by the Government of India along with various Indian banks and financial institutions and IFIs.
The Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) is the part of the Project Appraisal Document that helps identify the main corruption prevention aspects of a proposed project. Each ACAP builds on knowledge generated by previous plans, and must be tailored to suit the individual project. The structure of the ACAPs has evolved over the past two years, currently the advice given to preparation teams is that the plans must include six key elements, namely:
Enhanced disclosure provisions
Civil society oversight
Complaints handling mechanism
This book provides an overview of dedicated PPP units in OECD countries, including case studies covering: the State of Victoria (Australia), Germany, Korea, South Africa (an OECD enhanced engagement country), and the United Kingdom. It examines the functions and locations of dedicated PPP units, the role they play in the procurement process and the lessons learned for other countries that have already established or are considering establishing a dedicated PPP unit.
HM Treasury, November 2007.
Find more related materials at United Kingdom Treasury Guidance - Procurement and Contract Management.
Tracking Number : UK_Project_Governance_Guidance_2007_EN.pdf
Find more related materials at Anti-corruption and Freedom of Information Legislation.
Tracking Number: OECD Legal Instruments on Corruption Prevention_2015_English
Find more related materials at Anti-corruption and Freedom of Information Legislation.
Tracking Number: International Agreements Bribery of Foreign Officials_Undated_English
Find more related materials at Anti-corruption and Freedom of Information Legislation.
Tracking Number: Right2Info_Constitutional_Provisions_Site
European PPP Expertise Centre, March 2014.
This toolkit provides practical guidance on how consensus-based alternatives to adjudication can help prevent, resolve, and reduce the negative impact of corporate governance disputes and consequently contribute to improving corporate governance practices, strengthening investor confidence, and supporting business continuity.
This Act provides for the strengthening of measures to prevent and combat corruption and corrupt activities; to provide for the offense of corruption and offenses relating to corrupt activities; to provide for investigative measures in respect of corruption and related corrupt activities; to provide for the establishment and endorsement of a Register in order to place certain restrictions on persons and enterprises convicted of corrupt activities relating to tenders and contracts; to place a duty on certain persons holding a position of authority to report certain corrupt transactions; to p