Title: Voluntary Carbon Markets Rocket in 2021, On Track to Break $1B for First Time

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Website

Published: November 7, 2023

Region: North America (NA)

Country: United States

Topic: Emission Reduction Program

Keywords: Emission Reduction Program **

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Document Summary:

New report from Ecosystem Marketplace on voluntary carbon markets finds 2021 is on track for annual market value record of $1 Billion+ for the first time, as all-time market value hits $6.7 Billion. Based on growing global network of 172 EM Respondents (13% increase from 2020 of 152), with traded credits from projects located in 80 countries.

Document Details:

Data from the State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2021 shows that as of 31 August 2021, voluntary carbon markets had already posted $748.2M USD in sales for 239.3 million credits, each representing one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent, reflecting a 58% year-to-date jump in value (up from $472.9M), and growth in credit volume of 27% over 2020 performance (up from 188.2 million credits transacted). 2020 was already a banner year for voluntary carbon markets, continuing 2019’s strong growth trajectory despite the emergence of COVID-19 making 2021’s performance all the more striking.

Updated: January 11, 2024