Title: Stellar Ace breaks into HDB OOH space in North-East district of SG

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Website

Published: August 11, 2021

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Singapore

Sector: Subnational and Municipal

Keywords: Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI) **, Municipal

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Document Summary:

The official website of Marketing Interactive introduces Stellar Ace's advertisement plan in Singapore.

Document Details:

Stellar Ace, previously known as SMRT Media, aims to become advertisers’ go-to for creative ideas in reaching their target audience. These screens will be lifestyle skewed to host a myriad of content ranging from local town council news for the estates, nationwide updates on public advisories, and a haven for value seekers with ‘lobangs’ (goodies) through commercial advertisements.

Stellar Ace has introduced a new sales package for potential advertisers “with very cost-effective ROI from as low as $0.0073 per spot”.

Updated: August 1, 2023