Title: AICD Country Report: Ethiopia’s Infrastructure

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Institution

Published: January 1, 2011

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Ethiopia

Keywords: About PPP **, Sector

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

This study is a product of the Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD), a project designed to expand the world’s knowledge of physical infrastructure in Africa. The AICD provides a baseline against which future improvements in infrastructure services can be measured, making it possible to monitor the results achieved from donor support. It also offers a solid empirical foundation for prioritizing investments and designing policy reforms in Africa’s infrastructure sectors. 

The focus of the AICD country reports is on benchmarking sector performance and quantifying the main financing and efficiency gaps at the country level. These reports are particularly relevant to national policy makers and development partners working on specific countries. 

Document Details:

AICD Country Report: Ethiopia’s Infrastructure

A Continental Perspective

Author: Vivien Foster, Elvira Morella

Image by Pixabay

Updated: June 22, 2022