Title: Supporting ICT Sector and Broadband Connectivity in Somalia

Language: English

Type: Other Publications

Nature: Institution

Published: January 1, 2017

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Somalia

Topic: Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Keywords: Fragile and Conflict-Affected States - FCS, ICT, Telecom and ICT, Information & Communication Technology PPPs **

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Document Summary:

The PPIAF grant led by the ICT Sector team has supported the Federal Government of Somalia and especially the Federal Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Technology to developing a medium-term strategy for the ICT sector. The study carried out a preliminary assessment of the legal and regulatory issues involved in developing a fiber-optic backbone network to connect Somalia to neighboring countries as well as laid out PPP options for broader national backbone and regional network connectivity. Several missions were undertaken to Somalia by the team and consultants to Somalia and the studies were presented at multiple events in Somalia (Mogadishu and Hargeisa) and in Nairobi. Consultations with the private sector (e.g. telecom operators and Internet Service Providers) have been ongoing for inputs to the PPP options study and medium-term infrastructure strategy and investment workshops facilitated under this engagement. Training and capacity-building activities focusing on PPP regulation and broadband connectivity for the MPTT. Disseminations activities have been happening during the PPIAF grant period and targeting various actors including private, public, investors as well as development partners (e.g. AfDB, IFC, Somalia Multi-Partner Fund contributors). The PPIAF report have also fed into the current Bank’s engagement and knowledge activities (SCD and CEM) on infrastructure gaps and PPP options to enhance connectivity in Somalia and ensuring key infrastructure sharing and mutualization across sectors and GPs. The design of a new operation, with potential PPIAF follow-up support, will look at enhancing Somalia’s connectivity and the foundations and growth of the ICT Sector.

Document Details:

Supporting ICT Sector and Broadband Connectivity in Somalia

Author: PPIAF

Image by Pixabay

Updated: November 19, 2022