Title: Benchmarking City Services: Finding the Courage to Improve

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2017

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: PPP Benchmarking **, Knowledge Lab ***, Municipal

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Document Summary:

This report offers a summary of our findings. In total, 35 different cities participated, representing almost all geographic regions and sizes. Not all cities were able to collect data for all service areas. But those that could allowed KPMG professionals to start creating a much clearer and more consistent view of what ‘good’ might look like in city service delivery.

Document Details:

More importantly, the exercise went beyond the data to find out some of the key innovations, service improvements and trends facing these cities. And, in this report, KPMG highlights some of the most impressive and impactful examples in the hope of inspiring other cities to evolve their current approach to city services. 

Updated: April 2, 2022