Title: TOR Toolkit – DMA Rollout

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Terms of Reference (TORs)

Published: January 1, 2018

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Water and Sanitation

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Water, Preparation


Document Summary:

The Terms of Reference can be used as a basis for contracting out various PBC models. These TORs need to be adapted to suit the local situation and the specific scope of work required, but provide a foundation upon which the specific TORs can be built. This document provides TORs for five different cutting-edge PBC model.

Document Details:

This TOR is one of four designed to produce innovative types of NRW Reduction Contracts. The TORs are designed to be used as part of an NRW-reduction project being implemented in accordance with the NRW Manual. It is assumed that the consultant will be engaged after an Initial Assessment (and if needed, a Field Assessment) of the utility and relevant networks have been completed (see Section 5 of the Manual). That assessment will have gathered information on the Water Balance, assessed whether NRW control is needed, whether a performance-based contract is appropriate, and what the goal of the contract should be.


Updated: April 12, 2022