Title: Innovations in Guarantees for Development

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: October 1, 2019

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Financing and Risk Mitigation

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Financing and Risk Mitigation **


Document Summary:

This report sets out to present the virtues and shortcomings of scaling the use of guarantees, with a special focus on opportunities for innovation by actors that operate outside the established MDB business model.

Document Details:

The innovative ideas that CSIS have identified in this report range from actions that could be taken by development agencies tomorrow without too much difficulty, such as scaling-up local specialized guarantee providers or establishing new ones, to more bluesky thinking, such as using guarantees as a tool to coordinate clusters of investments in low-income fragile states.

Updated: April 12, 2022