Title: A Programme Approach to PPPs: Lessons from the European Experience

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: July 1, 2015

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: About PPP **

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

A PPP programme approach brings individual PPP projects together to deliver them in a coordinated way. This usually involves projects with a common objective such as a sector focus.

A PPP programme uses tools and resources, such as standardised documents or a specialised team, to deliver PPP projects more effectively and efficiently than might be the case with delivering projects individually.

PPP programmes have been, and continue to be, used across Europe in a range of sectors.

This report, aimed at public procuring authorities and public decision-makers, sets out the key features, benefits and challenges of PPP programmes and promotes the sharing of experience and good practice.

Document Details:

This report examines the issues associated with PPP programmes through comment and analysis in the following three areas:

− Chapter 2 looks at the potential benefits of using a PPP programme approach;

−  Chapter 3 identifies challenges that may arise and how these challenges may be handled; and

−  Chapter 4 examines two different models to manage a PPP programme.

The Annex contains the Case Studies of five PPP programmes.

Updated: April 7, 2022