Title: PPIAF Annual Report 2016

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2016

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Annual Report

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Document Details:

Key highlights of this report include:

  • Increased relevance of PPIAF through programs: PPIAF continued to adopt a more considered approach through the use of programmatic grants, approvals of which increased by 40 percent compared to last year . PPIAF supported seven technical assistance programs developed in past years and designed and approved six new programs . These were originated and are to be implemented in close collaboration with development partners, leveraging their expertise and co-financing .
  • Maintained focus on countries with the greatest need for our services: Half of PPIAF’s new grants are in Sub- Saharan Africa, 60 percent are in lowest-income countries (Development Assistance Committee (DAC) 1 and 2 countries), and one out of six are in fragile and conflict-affected countries.
  • Increased oversight of activities through newly endorsed results framework: PPIAF approved a new results framework in May, which better reflects the hierarchy of results according to PPIAF’s theory of change and business model . It incorporates the many M&E tools and improvements that we have instituted in recent years (e .g ., the balanced scorecard approach) and more specifically reflects the contribution of Sub-National Technical Assistance (SNTA) activities to the overall results.
  • Focus on delivering knowledge to practitioners who need it: Fiscal 2016 marked the second year that PPIAF took a structured approach to designing and producing knowledge products as part of its aspiration to become a center of excellence in private participation in infrastructure . Of note were two successful knowledge calls for proposals, generating high demand and resulting in $2 million worth of support for 13 knowledge activities across PPIAF’s thematic priority areas, while leveraging an additional $1 .7 million in co-financing from partners.
  • Continued tightening and streamlining of portfolio: There was a 40-percent reduction in “stale” activities delayed by more than 12 months.

Updated: April 6, 2022