Title: Decree on Public Private Partnerships in the Lao PDR

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2015

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Lao PDR

Keywords: Legal Framework *



Decree on Public Private Partnerships in the Lao PDR351.84 KB

Document Summary:

Draft, Version 7 of June 2015. The draft Decree includes gender considerations. One of the guiding principles is to ensure due diligence to mitigate negative impacts on women and children and maximize their benefit within the control of the PPPs and their implementation.

Document Details:

It also introduces a gender sustainability assessment as part of the feasibility studies and the evaluation and award of  the proposals within the tendering process can take gender criteria established by the Evaluation Comittee into account.

Related Information:

Gender-Responsive PPP Legal Framework

Impacts of PPPs on Gender Inclusion

Tracking Reference:


Updated: March 30, 2021