Title: From PFI to PF2: the reform of the Public Private Partnership model in the UK

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2009

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: United Kingdom

Keywords: Legal Framework *


Document Details:

From PFI to PF2: the reform of the Public Private Partnership model in the UK, Andrew Buisson, Norton Rose Fulbright, 2009


The British government has issued a wide-ranging series of reforms to the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model used in the UK since 1992, known as the "Private Finance Initiative" or "PFI". The revised model, launched on 5 December 2012, is known as “PF2”. The similarity of the name reflects that the new model is an evolutionary change rather than a wholesale replacement. This article examines the key areas of change and highlights some of the issues this raises for investors and funders.


Related Information:

PPP Laws / Concession Laws



Tracking Reference: 

UK_From PFI to PF2_EN.pdf

Updated: March 30, 2021