Title: National Public Private Partnership Guidelines: Roadmap for applying the Commercial Principles

Languages: English

Published: January 1, 2011

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Australia


Document Details:

Published by Infrastructure Australia, February 2011.  

The National PPP Guidelines include both Standard Commercial Principles for Social Infrastructure and Standard Commercial Principles for Economic Infrastructure. They aim to promote a consistent approach to the application of the commercial principles. The economic infrastructure principles have been drafted based on a demand-risk transfer payment model, which has most frequently been applied to toll roads, but is also applicable to car parks, energy generation/distribution facilities, water treatment facilities and potentially port facilities. Under this model third party users pay for use direct to the private partner (often within a regulated payment framework) over the life of the contract. The social infrastructure principles have been drafted based on an availability payment model, which has most frequently been applied to hospitals, schools, public transport and correctional facilities. Under this model government pays for the community’s use of the infrastructure services through regular service payments to the private partner over the life of the contract.


Related Information: 

Standardized Agreements, Bidding Documents and Guidance Manuals


Tracking Number: Australia_ National PPP Guidelines_EN.pdf

AU. 2011a. National Public Private Partnership Guidelines: Roadmap for Applying the Commercial Principles. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. [#4596]


Updated: June 2, 2023