Title: Framework for Disclosure in Public Private Partnerships (2015)

Languages: English

Published: January 1, 2015

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Legal Framework *


Document Details:

Report of the World Bank Group, COST (Construction Sector Transparency Initiative) and PPIAF, August 2015.


A Framework to provide a systematic structure for disclosing information for policy makers interested in developing a policy for PPP disclosure in their countries.  This Framework can be used by legislators, regulators, PPP practitioners and specialists in the public and private sectors, researchers, civil society organizations and the general public, who can contribute to improved transparency through playing their respective roles, whether as information creators, disseminators or users. The Framework is also expected to be useful to teams within the WBG and other MDBs providing technical guidance on PPP in client countries to include and integrate disclosure into PPP programs and projects.

This builds on the Report of the WBG from 2013 reviewing current practices on the disclosure of information on PPP projects and contracts from 11 jurisdictions at the national and sub-national level representing 8 countries. 

Related Information:

Public-Private Partnerships

Legal and Regulatory Issues Concerning Public-Private Partnerships


Tracking Number: Framework_PPP_Disclosure_150808_EN

Updated: March 29, 2021