Title: Termination and Force Majeure Provisions in PPP Contracts

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2013

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Force majeure/act of god, PPP Reference Guide *, PPP Cycle ***, PPP Online Reference Guide **


Termination and Force Majeure Provisions in PPP Contracts524.86 KB

Document Summary:

Termination and Force Majeure Provisions in PPP Contracts - Review of current European practice and guidance, by the European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC) and Allen & Overy, March 2013. 

Document Details:

EPEC. 2013. Termination and force majeure provisions in PPP contracts: Review of current European practice and guidance. Luxembourg: European Investment Bank, European PPP Expertise Centre. [#1113]

Related Information:

Force Majeure: Checklists and Sample Wording

Sample Force Majeure Clauses

Tracking Number: EPEC_Termination and Force Majeure Provisions in PPP Contracts.EN.pdf


Updated: June 3, 2022