Title: Honduras: Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada (Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships)

Languages: Spanish

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Honduras

Keywords: Legal Framework *



Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada995.47 KB, Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships191.18 KB, Reglamento General de la Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada1.84 MB, General Regulation to the Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships223.52 KB

Document Summary:


Honduras - Legislative Decree 143-2010



Decree 143-2010 approves the Law on the Promotion of the Public-Private Alliance, published in the official gazette on November 5, 2010. The Law's stated purpose is to manage and regulate procurement processes, allowing public-private participation in the execution of public works and services, in order to foster investment in the country. It contains technical definitions and the principles guiding public-private participation.


The Law also regulates the basic content of public-private alliance contracts and the organizational forms for public-private alliances. It creates the Commission for the Promotion of the Public-Private Alliance (COALIANZA), charged with promoting public-private alliance projects. In addition, it contains a chapter on the protection of confidential government information and private intellectual property rights.


For more sample PPP related regulations, please visit PPP Laws / Concession Laws 



Tracking Reference:

Honduras_Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada_ES.pdf

Honduras_Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships_EN.pdf

Honduras_General Regulation to the Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships_EN.pdf

Honduras_Reglamento General de la Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada_ES.pdf

Document Details:

The Public Private Partnership Promotion Agency (COALIANZA) is responsible for managing a new investment model in Honduras, as a strategy to raise the country’s level of competitiveness and the quality of life for many families.

COALIANZA has been operating since 2010, based on the approval of Law Decree No. 143-2010 for Promoting Public Private Partnerships.

COALIANZA works as a decentralized agency from the President’s Office, with its own legal status and assets. It is responsible for managing public-private participation in public works and services projects.

These documents provide the general legal framework on PPP in Honduras:

Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada (Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships) of September 2010 (English and Spanish). 

Reglamento General de la Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada (General Regulation to the Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships) of January 2011 (English and Spanish).


Related Information: 

PPP Laws/Concession Laws 


Tracking Reference:

Honduras_Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships_EN.pdf

Honduras_General Regulation to the Law for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships_EN.pdf

Honduras_Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada_ES.pdf

Honduras_Reglamento General de la Ley de Promoción de Alianza Público-Privada_ES.pdf


Updated: March 29, 2021