Region: North America (NA)
Country: Canada
Sector: Transportation
Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Transport, Rail, Value for Money (VFM)
Document Link(s):
Document Summary:
Ernst & Young Orenda Corporate Finance (EYOCF) prepared the Value for Money (VFM) assessment for the East Rail Maintenance Facility Project at the Financial Close stage. The VFM assessment is based on a comparison of the total project costs of the East Rail Maintenance Facility under:
- The tradicitonal delivery approach, as reflected in the Public Sector Comparator (PSC) model; and
- The Alternative Financing and Procurement (AFP) model estimation of the toal projects costs, as reflected in the Adjusted Sucessful Bid.
Document Details:
The new maintenance facility provides maintenance, repair, and additional storage for GO Trains and support GO Transit's planned service expansions.
- The East Rail Maintenance Facility (ERMF) is a strategic and essential asset for GO Transit's planned service expansions. The ERMF is a critical enabling facility for expanded GO service to increase ridership and revenue, and to support the anticipated population growth in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.
- The ERMF will significantly reduce operational risks for GO Transit. With only one major rail maintenance facility, any operational issues at the Willowbrook facility or along the corridor connecting the Willowbrook facility to other corridors will impact all rail service. A second rail maintenance facility allows GO Transit to service new rolling stock, and provide operational flexibility under emergency situations to ensure reliable transit service.
- The facility is LEED Gold Certified and includes approximately 500,000 square feet of infrastructure to meet GO Transit's operational requirements.
Updated: April 12, 2022