Title: Renewable Energy Toolkit (REToolkit)

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Toolkit

Published: May 5, 2006

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Energy and Power

Keywords: PPP Tools *, Toolkits **, Renewable Energy

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

Introduction - REToolkit provides a broad set of tools to assist Bank staff and country counterparts to improve the design and implementation of renewable energy (RE) projects, incorporate best practices and lessons learned from RE projects supported by the WBG and other institutions, and is operationally oriented to address practical implementation needs at each stage in the RE project cycle.

The toolkit aims to help identify and design feasible RE projects, determine appropriate promotional policies, identify sustainable business models, finance mechanisms and regulatory frameworks - and utilize the best available project tools, including technical standards and generic terms of reference.

Document Details:

REToolkit Structure

The Issues Note presents key economic, policy and financial issues surrounding grid-connected, mini grid and stand-alone renewable energy systems. This note also sheds light on relevant policy frameworks, business models, and finance mechanisms relevant to each of these systems. A Technology chapter in this note provides details on the technical requirements of village hydropower, wind, biomass, geothermal, solar photovoltaic (PV) and hybrid systems. Download the Issues Note (pdf, 5.3MB).

  • Knowledge Documents - Contains documents pertaining to RE economic and financial analyses, best practices and lessons learned, financing mechanisms, policy and regulatory studies and relevant RE presentations. More...
  • Case Studies - Contains case studies on RE project implementation showcasing the best practices and lessons learned. More...
  • Technology Module - Contains information on RE technical standards, specifications, bidding documents and links to web resources. More...
  • RE Terms of Reference - Contains samples of Terms of Reference (TORs) related to various assignments (consultancy and employment) at the World Bank. More...
