Title: Managing Municipal Solid Waste in Latin America and the Caribbean: Integrating the Private Sector, Harnessing Incentives
Language: English
Type: Document
Nature: Institution
Published: January 1, 2007
Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)
Country: Latin America and Caribbean
Keywords: About PPP **, Municipal Solid Waste, Waste disposal
Document Summary:
Latin America’s urban areas generate about 369,000 tons a day of solid waste. Ensuring that the waste is collected and disposed of properly will require strengthening the strategic role of municipalities.The private sector already plays a big part in waste collection. But private providers could do more in waste disposal and management, helping to improve service in close coordination with local authorities.This paper analyzes how some cities in Latin America have Integrated the private sector in managing municipal solid waste.
Document Details:
Managing Municipal Solid Waste in Latin America and the Caribbean: Integrating the Private Sector, Harnessing Incentives
Author: Daniel Hoornweg and Natalie Giannelli
Updated: June 16, 2022