Title: Gender Impact of Public-Private Partnerships – Literature Review Synthesis Report

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2012

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Gender Impact

Keywords: PPPs by Topic *, Gender Equality & PPPs **

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

Gender Impact of Public Private Partnerships – Literature Review Synthesis Report

Document Details:

Gender Impact of Public-Private Partnerships – Literature Review Synthesis Report, International Finance Corporation (IFC), November 2012

This publication is based on the review of general and sector-based literature on gender and infrastructure. It undertakes an assessment of the current and potential gender impacts of public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects. The report recommends a number of mainstreaming mechanisms, which might be incorporated within the PPP project cycle for the benefit of women and girls, including the establishment of gender-specific key performance indicators (KPIs) for benefits to females as part of PPP arrangements. It looks at gender-specific impacts of infrastructure projects, analyzes the differences in terms of gender impact between PPP projects and traditional public works projects, recommends project design features, which could enable privately funded infrastructure projects to have a positive gender impact, and suggests a forecasting tool to estimate the number of women and girls to benefit from a proposed infrastructure project.


Related Information: 

Impacts of PPPs on Gender Inclusion 


Tracking Reference: 

Gender Impact of PPPs_EN.pdf