Title: Extractive Industries: Legal & Fiscal Regimes, Revenue, Management, & Good Governance
Languages: English
Region: Global
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Sectors: Energy and Power
Keywords: Energy and Power
Document Details:
Overview of Extractive Industries Governance |
Mining Taxation and Legal Framework |
Petroleum Legal Framework and Fiscal Regimes |
Oil Revenues and Fiscal Policy |
Sharing of Natural Resource Revenues – Petroleum Revenue Decentralization: Experience from Iraq |
Experience with Petroleum Funds |
Bank’s Experience in Revenue Administration Reform and Introduction of International Tax Dialogue Program |
EITI Implementation Globally and Extractive Industries Sector Governance |
Community and Sustainable Development |
For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.
Tracking Number: Extractive IndustriesLegal & Fiscal Regimes, Revenue_2007_English
Updated: July 8, 2022