Title: European Commission Report on Open Internet

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: March 6, 2021

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Telecom and ICT

Keywords: Telecom and ICT

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Document Details:

The Commission has published a report on the implementation of the Regulation on Open Internet Access. The Commission compared the current situation with the one before the Regulation entered into force (on 30 April 2016) and concluded that the Regulation’s principles are appropriate and effective in protecting end-users’ rights and promoting the internet as an engine for innovation. The report suggests that there is no need to amend the Regulation at this stage, in order to continue with the regulatory stability and in view of continuing protecting end-users’ rights and promoting open access to the internet.

Updated: October 25, 2021