Title: Community Wind ToolBox

Languages: English

Type: Website

Region: Global

Country: United States

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Sector, Legal Framework *, Contractual Provisions, PPP Project Cycle, Contract, Termination, Risk, Legal issues, Financing, Preparation, Sample drafting, Sample wording, Model contract, Construction contract


Document Details:

The Community Wind Handbook website offers high-quality practical information in developing commercial-scale wind projects derieved from the The Community Wind Handbook, developed by Windustry on behalf of the Rural Minnesota Energy Board and published December 15, 2006 by a partnership of the Agriculture Utilization Research Institute, the Southwest Initiative Foundation, The Minnesota Project, Clean Energy Resource Teams, and the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council. 

Related Information:

Tracking Number: CommunityWindToolBox_2015_English

Updated: March 8, 2022