Title: Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment: Climate Change

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Other PPP Reference

Published: October 25, 2019

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Colombia

Topic: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Climate Smart

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The linkages between climate change action and sustainable development have important implications for the world’s approach to natural resource investment. Yet, no coherent vision has emerged to guide the ways in which global actors can shift the trajectory of natural resource investments to lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions while also addressing the development needs of resource-rich low-income countries. CCSI has therefore been developing a stream of work at the nexus of natural resource investments, climate change, and international investment law.

Document Details:

An applied research center, the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) is a leading convenor and contributor to high-level global dialogue among scholars, community advocates, practitioners, the business community, and government concerning international investment and sustainable development. We contribute thought leadership and legal tools to influential global policymaking arenas focused on solving complex global challenges. We are regularly asked to present our cutting-edge research and activities in international fora. We train policymakers, government negotiators, development practitioners, and civil society leaders. And we host several substantial global conferences each year, often with oversubscribed demand. In addition to rigorous research and policy analysis, CCSI’s work takes the form of teaching and training, providing advisory services, developing tools and resources, and fostering multi-stakeholder dialogue and knowledge-sharing among policymakers, development advocates, scholars, business leaders, and community stakeholders.

As a joint center of Columbia Law School and the Earth Institute at Columbia University, CCSI works closely with colleagues from both those schools and throughout the university who are experts in a wide range of disciplines, integrating our expertise in law, economics, and investment with diverse fields of sustainable development.

Since its founding in 2008, CCSI has grown from a program with two staff members to an internationally recognized hub of activity, advisory work, and thought leadership in the field of sustainable investment. Our expertise is sought after; our opinions respected as objective, rigorous, and evidence-based; and our ideas incorporated into the proposals and arguments of decision-makers around the world. Civil society representatives, national officials, business leaders, investor groups, intergovernmental organizations, and countless others look to our research and analysis, consider our proposed solutions, and attend our conferences and workshops. We are incredibly proud of these successes and look forward to even more of an impact in the coming years.

Updated: October 25, 2021