Title: Article - Bulgarian Concessions Law

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Europe and Central Asia

Country: Bulgaria

Topics: Procurement

Keywords: Legal Framework, Legal issues, Preparation, Procurement, Implementation, Concession, Municipal, Sub-national


Document Details:

Office of the Bulgarian Economic and Commercial Counselor in Kuwait

Legislative framework of concessions

Sites and objects, which are in the exclusive property of the state or a municipality, can be operated by private entities on the basis of a concession contract concluded following the conditions and procedures provided for by the Law on Concessions (for sites which are state property) or the Law on Municipal Property (for sights which are municipal property).

Granting concessions on some sites is regulated by special laws - the Law on Waters (for water sites), the Law on Underground Resources (for extraction of underground resources) and the Law on Roads (for national roads).

Decision for c oncession granting are taken by the Council of Ministers (for state property sites) or by the Municipal Council (for municipal property sites). The concessionaire is selected through a tender or competition procedure or directly if the Law provides for that option. Concession contracts, irrespective of the property on the site, can be granted for a period of up to 35 years. This period can be extended given that the total period of concession does not exceed 50 years.

Updated: August 25, 2020