
作者Chris Heymans、Kathy Eales与 Richard Franceys,水资源与环境卫生项目(WSP),世界银行集团,2014年8月。




参考文献: Africa_Prepaid Water in Urban Africa_EN.pdf





参考文件:Jordan_ Water Governance in Jordan.EN.pdf



World Bank Sample Bidding Documents for Design, Build and Operation for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

Design, Build and Operation for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

The Procurement Framework
The World Bank's Procurement Framework governs projects financed by Investment Project Financing (IPF). The Framework was launched in July 2016. It supports Borrower’s achieve value-for-money with integrity in delivering sustainable development. The Framework promotes flexibility in tailoring procurement approaches that are fit-for-purpose and reflect choice, quality, and value for money in public spending.  

Meeting water demand in growing cities: a PPP project in Sudan

Significant increases in investment and improvements in management capacity are required to meet the demand for infrastructure services in the rapidly growing cities of low- and middle-income countries. Closing the infrastructure financing gap requires both public and private finance. Sudan has long experienced under-investment in potable water infrastructure, and access to clean drinking water in fast-growing Khartoum is inadequate.

Delegated Management of Urban Water Supply Services in Mozambique: Summary of the case stuy of FIPAG and CRA

When the prolonged civil war in Mozambique ended in 1992, water supply infrastructure had deteriorated. In 1998, the Government adopted a comprehensive institutional reform for the development, delivery and regulation of urban water supply services in large cities. The new framework, known as the Delegated Management Framework (DMF), was inaugurated with the creation of two autonomous public bodies: an asset management agency (FIPAG) and an independent regulator (CRA).