Building Regional Power Pools: A Toolkit, 2005

This toolkit draws together resource material that has been developed and used primarily to facilitate wideranging dialogue between World Bank Group staff and their counterparts from the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP) organization; the original purpose was to inform the design of the WAPP Adaptable Program Lending Facility as the umbrella under which several credits have been put in place by the International Development Association (IDA) to cofinance cross-border power transmission infrastructure among the member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Politiques de gestion des offres spontanées relatives aux projets d'infrastructures

Volume 1: Principales conclusions et recommandations

En matière de projets d’infrastructure, les offres spontanées représentent une méthode alternative pour l’initiation de projets, où le secteur privé, plutôt que le gouvernement, est l’acteur principal qui identifie et développe un projet. Dans la pratique, de nombreuses administrations de par le monde ont recours aux offres spontanées car celles-ci permettent de répondre au manque de capacité du secteur public pour l’identification et le développement de projets. Cependant, nombreux sont les ...

Select WBG PPP Toolkits

Bridging the infrastructure gap is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To help governments make informed decisions about improving the access and quality of infrastructure services, including the use of public-private partnerships (PPP) as one delivery option, a series of tools to help governments have been developed: 

World Bank Group Climate Toolkits for PPPs

The fiscal constraints of governments across the globe open the door to new opportunities and challenges to crowd in private sector solutions, innovation, and finance to create new solutions and pathways to meet Paris Agreement goals on climate change. Participation of the private sector in climate-smart investments and infrastructure is critical and public-private partnerships (PPPs) are among the key solutions.