Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) Model Clauses for Request for Tender and Contract documents

These sample provisions are for use by the public sector in tender documents and contracts where the Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP)is applicable. They are not meant to be followed exactly, but to be adjusted according to the needs of the specific circumstances.

The model clauses cover several aspects of in projects such standard VIPP projects or those that have been categorized as strategic by the policy. This document for instance:

UNCITRAL Model Legislative Provisions on Public-Private Partnerships

The Legislative Guide and the Model Legislative Provisions cover the main issues relevant to the establishment of a favourable legal framework for PPPs. The various chapters provide information on:

(a) The guiding principles for a legal framework for PPPs, the administrative coordination and the scope of authority to enter into PPP contracts;

(b) Project planning and preparation, including the carrying out of economy and efficiency studies but also a thorough assessment of the fiscal, social and environmental impact of the project;

Sample PPP Clauses

When preparing or reviewing public private partnerships project documents it is useful to have access to sample clauses. Here are some clauses dealing with areas that can give rise to confusion in infrastructure projects if not carefully considered:

Energy-Efficient Street Lighting PPPs

Street lighting is an essential public service typically provided by public authorities at the sub-national and municipal level. Cities are increasingly investing in energy-efficient street lighting systems to replace or enhance their outdated systems. While reliable and bright public lighting reduces accidents and crime and allows for economic activity after sunset, modern energy-efficient street-lighting technology can also lower energy consumption as well as operation and maintenance costs significantly. Many different models have been developed world wide to deliver energy-efficient street lighting projects, including public-private partnerships. This section looks at sample contracts, bidding documents, policies, laws and regulations, and other tools related to street lighting projects.

Clauses de recours exclusif: note et exemple de formulation


Une clause de recours exclusif décrit les voies de recours dont une partie dispose pour un événement particulier exclusivement et exclut toute autre voie de recours. Une clause de dommages-intérêts conventionnels définit au préalable les dommages-intérêts et empêche les parties de demander des dommages-intérêts généraux. Les entrepreneurs demandent habituellement d'inclure une clause de recours exclusif dans un contrat.

Inmunidad Soberana - Resumen y ejemplo de redacción

¿Qué es la inmunidad soberana?

La entidad adjudicadora de un proyecto de infraestructura es por lo general una autoridad gubernamental y, por ende, puede gozar de inmunidad soberana.Esto debe verificarse consultando a abogados locales.En algunos casos en que se sancionan leyes de concesiones, allí se renuncia específicamente a la inmunidad soberana del Estado en materia de proyectos de infraestructura; no obstante, esto dista de ser universal.A un operador privado le preocupa asegurarse de que se renuncie a la inmunidad soberana.