Climate Changed Saudi Arabia Gets Cheapest Bids for Solar Power in Auction

Competitive solar tenders have decisively contributed to rapidly declining solar PV prices across the globe. In Saudi Arabia, an October 2017 auction resulted in a new record low for solar PV with one bid at 1.79 US cent/kWh. Solar prices are, however, not fully comparable because of country-specific factors and different parameters of each auction. Read more.

Chile solar auction sets new record low for solar PV

While tender schemes open up flexible and innovative design options (e.g. time blocks, storage components), the quality of the design and implementation is crucial to the success of competitive tenders. In Chile, an energy auction in November 2017 received the lowest price for solar in the region with 2.15 US cent/kWh after the tender process was amended in 2015 (Law 20,805) and a longer contract term (20 years) and different sized hourly blocks of energy supply (day, peak, night, 24 hours) were introduced.

Inauguration of the Senegal BRT

Senegal are going to see some big changes to their transportation system. A new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system is set to open soon, making it the first all-electric BRT system on the African continent. The following are five highlights for this project:

  1. Better Transport
  2. Faster Travel
  3. Cleaner Air and greenhouse gas reduction
  4. Blueprint for Future Projects
  5. Mobilizing Private Capital and Partnerships

Legal and institutional frameworks for Public Private Partnerships in Africa: a new tool developed by the ALSF to compare them

the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) has developed country profiles to assess the progress of developing PPP legal frameworks in individual African nations. Furthermore, the ALSF has also collected data and carried out a comparative analysis of existing legal and institutional PPP frameworks in Africa, resulting in the recently published ALSF Survey, Public-Private Partnerships, Legal & Institutional Frameworks in Africa – a comparative analysis.

IETA and Founding Partners Announce the Launch of Climate Action Data Trust

The CAD Trust Founding Partners also announced the governance structure and the composition of the CAD Trust Council that will advise and guide the initiative by setting its strategic direction.

CAD Trust was formed by three Founding Partners, IETA, the World Bank and the Singapore Government. It will engage with a variety of governments and public and private organisations to set the specifications for an open-source metadata system to share information about carbon credits and projects across digital platforms, easing future integration of multiple registry systems.

Senken is launching the world’s first public sale of carbon forward tokens

Carbon forward contracts are a way for investors to pre-fund climate action. They’re bespoke agreements between investors and project developers, where the project developer commits to delivering carbon credits to the buyer at a pre-defined price and time in the future. The funds from the issuance of these forwards then help project developers cover their overhead costs. In return, investors can access future high-quality supply at a discount from the market rates of comparable projects.