
PPP Hot Topics

Co-organized by the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF), Egyptian Ministry of Finance, African Development Bank (AfDB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), World Bank and the World Association of PPP Units and Professionals (WAPPP), this event aims to provide valuable insights into Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).

Technical Note 4: How to Appoint and Work with a Preferred Bidder

This note is the fourth in a series of Technical Notes to be issued by the Treasury Taskforce providing practical guidance on key technical issues which arise from the implementation of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Each note focuses on a specific area of the procurement process where experience has shown that project managers and other interested parties would value assistance.





Ref: UK Treasury Taskforce Technical Note 4

World Bank Toolkits/Concessions for Infrastructure

This report is not a step-by-step guide on how to negotiate concessions. Nor is it an attempt to identify model contracts or clauses. Rather, it aims at helping policymakers and their  advisers to better understand some of the most important and difficult issues related to the design, award, implementation, monitoring, and modification of concessions. Here, we broadly define concessions as any arrangements in which a firm obtains from the government the right to provide a particular service under conditions of significant market power.