Federal Railway Authority (Eisenbahnbundesamt – EBA)

The Federal Railway Authority is the German supervisory, licensing and safety authority for railways and railway undertakings.

Over 2/3 of all railway undertakings in Germany are subject to supervision by the Federal Railway Authority. Some regional railways are supervised by the federal states, although in many cases the latter exercise the option of transferring this supervision to the Federal Railway Authority.

Federal Network Authority (Bundesnetzagentur – BNetzA)

The Bundesnetzagentur for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway, or Bundesnetzagentur as it is commonly known, promotes effective competition in the regulated areas and ensures non-discriminatory access to networks. It protects important consumer rights and is also the root certification authority under the Electronic Signatures Act. In addition, the Bundesnetzagentur is responsible for implementing the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act.

PPP Unit Germany

Much of the infrastructure are administered by the federal states, see for example website of the PPP in Niedersachsen and North-Rhine-Westphalia. 


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