Liberalization in the Water Sector: Three Leading Models

Claude Menard, Peeroo Aleksandra

Section I comes back to the characteristics of the water sector. It describes some key features that may explain the slow pace of reform and that may also help better understanding characteristics and limits of that process. Then, a historical and global overview of the liberalization movement and the actual state of the water sector is presented.

Section II examines more specifically the main drivers towards and factors of resistance to the liberalization process in the water sector.

MAPPP – Model Contractual Provisions for Street Lighting PPPs (Le clausier type “éclairage public )

From 2005 to 2012, 30% of PPPs signed by local governments (les collectivités locales) regarded street lighting. To assist local governments to develop PPPs in this sector, the Mission d’appui aux partenariats public-privé (MAPPP - the French PPP Unit) has provided model contractual provisions for street lighting PPPs together with commentary. The MAPPP provides also some information in English.


Related Information:

MAPPP – Le clausier type “éclairage public

De 2005 à 2012, l’éclairage public a constitué 30% des PPP passés par les collectivités locales. La Mission d’appui aux partenariats public-privé du Ministère de l’économie (MAPPP) met à disposition des collectivités locales un clausier pour faciliter la mise en place de PPP d’éclairage public. Le clausier permet de guider les parties à un PPP (et notamment les collectivités territoriales) pour structurer le contrat. 

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