Slovenia: Public-Private Partnership Act (ZJZP) 2006

This Act regulates the purpose and principles of private investment in public projects and/or of public cofinancing of private projects that are in the public interest (hereinafter: public-private partnership), the methods of encouraging public-private partnership and the institutions concerned with its encouragement and development, the conditions, procedure for creation and the forms and methods of operating public-private partnerships, the special features of works and service concessions and of public-private equity partnerships, the transformation of public companies, the system of law

Commercial Laws of Slovenia: An assessment by the EBRD

Since joining the European Union in 2004, Slovenia succeeded in carrying out a range of legislative reforms aimed at harmonising its legal framework with EU standards. Multiple positive developments pertaining to commercial laws happened due to Slovenia’s EU membership, including modernisation of the legal framework for the judiciary and approval of the EU-compliant regulatory framework for electronic communications in 2013. The electricity and gas markets have been fully open and unbundled since 2007.