Akaretler Row Houses, Istanbul, Turkey

The Akaretler Row Houses, built in 1875, are a cultural and historic structure in Istanbul built originally to provide housing for prominent and high-ranking officials of the Dolmabahce Palace.

Utilization of Proceeds in Asset Recycling

Options for utilization proceeds

The government entities may consider the following for utilization of proceeds from asset recycling:

  • Re-investment of proceeds in greenfield assets.

  • Re-payment of existing debt relating to the asset that is the subject of the asset recycling transaction (this would usually be a pre-condition of the lenders, unless the current lenders agree to continue their exposure to the project even after the private party takes over operations and maintenance of the project).

Monitoring is the Best Medicine: Requiring data-driven outcomes will help Turkey’s hospitals thrive

The rising demand and increased costs for health service delivery are straining health delivery systems worldwide. In most countries, the majority of the health delivery system is government controlled, with public hospitals accounting for the largest percentage of overall health care spending. These public hospitals are as expensive as they are central to the national health care policy, so it’s in government’s best interest to assure they are functioning efficiently and effectively. Yet they are perhaps the most complex and difficult environments in which to enact reform. 

Elazig Hospital PPP

EBRD is demonstrating new ways of financing by promoting the participation of untapped investor classes in the sector, thereby enabling the diversification of funding sources and providing depth to the Programme. EBRD is also promoting the introduction of non-conventional funding solutions to finance infrastructure projects in the Bank's region, in particular debt capital market financing.