The Hopeful Continent

More than a decade ago, The Economist christened Africa “the hopeless continent,” lamenting its prospects for growth and change. Today, the tide has turned. In 2013, the very same magazine lauded the improvement in lives in Africa over the past decade, and declared that the next decade will be even better.

PPPs in Rural and Peri-Urban Water Sector: Victoria Delmon and Jane Jamieson

Although there is a sense that water is a public good, in urban areas it can be very expensive to get it to tap water, while it is very likely that in rural areas in developing countries the majority of households do not have a tap connection. With cases from Uganda and South Sudan, Victoria Delmon, from the World Bank, and Jane Jamieson, from the IFC, illustrate the history of PPPs in this sector as well as the organic growth of small-scale water PPPs.