Public Private Partnership Policy Framework (Republic of Malawi)

The Malawian PPP framework provides for indigenous participation in PPP projects by establishing that they should be structured in such a way that encourage the maximum use of local content and technology transfer. “As much as possible, the PPP arrangement should facilitate the promotion and linkages with local industries and the private sector in Malawi.” (Section 7.2.7)

Related Information:

Blantyre Water Board – Bill Payment (Malawi)

Blantyre Water Board (BWB) is a parastatal organization in charge of the water supply service in the city of Blantyre, Malawi. The organization has established several payment modes that vary from payments directly done to the BWB offices, banks, supermarkets, or pharmacies, to Mobile Payments, case in which BWB customers with specific mobile carriers “need to register for the service and load money in their phones which will enable them to pay for their bills.”


Related Information:

Public Private Partnership Options Study and Awareness Raising For Irrigation Investment In Malawi

The specific objectives of the present assignment are to: Conduct awareness raising and capacity strengthening activities among key line Ministries, private investors and water users (small and medium-scale farmers) about different options and modalities for PPP in irrigation infrastructure development and management; Identify potentially promising and economically viable PPP options for the proposed Shire Valley Irrigation Project (SVIP) – to be discussed with main stakeholders and to inform about the development of a specific PPP transaction model for this scheme.

PPP Unit Malawi

The PPP Commission (PPPC) is the implementation Agency for PPPs in Malawi. It is also responsible for developing guidelines on best practices to assist sector Ministries in the roll-out of their PPP projects. The PPPC works closely with the Ministry of Finance in the review and assessment of PPP project affordability, value-for-money, feasibility, and contingent liabilities associated with PPP projects.