Title: Promoting InfraTech adoption across the Infrastructure lifecycle

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: November 11, 2021

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Disruption and PPPs **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

A jointly-authored brief by GIF and PwC explores the state of play of Infratech implementation in the infrastructure space and the challenges and benefits new innovations bring to the sector.

Document Details:

Infrastructure development is one of the great global challenges of our time, with vast investment needs, a multi-trillion-dollar financing gap, and a dearth of bankable projects. In an attempt to rapidly meet the growing demand for new infrastructure, technology-enabled solutions are often not proactively factored into infrastructure planning considerations. This can lead to a de-prioritisation of infrastructure technology—or InfraTech—since it may not be deemed critical to a project’s success or to garnering private sector interest. In the long run, this may cause missed opportunities for maximizing the positive impact of infrastructure, maintaining technological competitiveness, and raising economic efficiency in view of life-cycle cost.

Updated: March 31, 2024