Title: Public-Private Partnership Units: What Are They, And What Do They Do?

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Institution

Published: January 1, 2006

Region: Global

Country: Global-World

Topic: PPP Reference Guide

Keywords: PPP Framework ***, PPP Cycle ***, PPP Reference Guide *, PPP Online Reference Guide **


Document Summary:

A short note reviewing several country experiences with PPP units, and provides high-level recommendations to improve governance and their effectiveness.

Document Details:

Dutz, Mark, Clive Harris, Inderbir Dhingra, and Chris Shugart. 2006. “Public Private Partnership Units: What Are They, and What Do They Do?.” Public Policy for the Private Sector Note No. 311. Washington, DC: World Bank. [#4247]


Public Policy for the Private Sector Note No. 311. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Image by Pixabay

Updated: June 27, 2022