Title: Philippines Revised Rules for the Issuance of Licenses to Retail Electricity Suppliers (“RES”)

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Laws and Regulations

Published: August 1, 2021

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Philippines

Sector: Energy and Power

Topic: Legal Framework

Keywords: Energy and Power, Energy and Power PPPs **, Legal Framework *

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

In Philippines, suppliers must obtain a license from the ERC in accordance with the Revised Rules for the Issuance of Licenses to Retail Electricity Suppliers (“RES”).

Document Details:

Under these Rules, a Retail Electricity Suppliers License will only be issued to applicants meeting all applicable requirements, which include requirements relating to credit standing, technical and managerial capabilities. Retail Electricity Suppliers are also required to comply with requirements relating to cross-ownership limitations and anti-competitive behavior.

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Updated: October 25, 2021