Title: Tonga Strategic Development Framework 2015-2025

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Guidelines

Published: May 1, 2015

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Tonga

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Legal Framework *, Legislation and Laws **, Tonga

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Document Summary:

TSDF II has been prepared after wide consultations with communities, the private sector, community social organisations and development partners. It sets out the broad framework for our development over the next 10 years.

Document Details:

The second Tonga Strategic Development Framework (TSDFII) builds on recent developments and the lessons learnt from TSDFI as well as increasing understanding of future uncertainties and risks. The language and structure builds on the ongoing reform process to build a more integrated planning and budgeting system. It sets out a high-level integrated vision of the direction that Tonga seeks to pursue over the next ten years. This is built on a deeper understanding of our Tongan Inheritance as well as a stronger results-based framework than TSDFI.