Title: Reference: National Public Private Partnership Policy

Languages: English

Type: Website

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topics: Pro-poor

Keywords: Legal Framework *


Document Details:


This PPP Policy includes a clause on PPP coverage in Marginal Areas (Clause 3.11) as follows:

“PPPs coverage in Marginal Areas.- PPP interventions in both geographical and economical marginal areas pose a challenge. Due to locational factors, some regions are not commercially viable; and still other areas are not viable on economic grounds such as lower concentration of economic activities and lower incomes. PPPs may not be feasible in these areas mainly due to unique risks involved. In these special circumstances, the private sector is not attracted due to unfavorable business and investment environment.”

But it immediately establishes as a Policy Objective:

“Extend special consideration to geographical and economic disadvantaged regions in promotion of PPPs. (…) The Government in collaboration with Stakeholders will: To the extent possible, put in place an enabling environment to attract PPPs in marginal areas.”

Updated: August 25, 2020