Title: Public private partnership (PPP) in Surabaya, Indonesia: issues, challenges and strategies

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2016

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Indonesia

Keywords: About PPP **, Knowledge Lab ***


Document Summary:

Paper presented in the 15th Management in Construction Researchers’Association (Micra) Annual Conference 2016.

Document Details:

Public Private Partnership (PPP) is the joint venture program between public and private sector in the provision of public infrastructure implemented by most of government around the world. Namely Kerjasama Pemerintah Badan Usaha (KPBU) in Indonesia, it has been officially implemented since the issuance of Presidential Regulation no 67/2005. This paper aims to study the issues and challenges encountered in the development of PPP projects in Surabaya, Indonesia and the strategies on how to mitigate the problems. Through interview sessions with public and private sector involve with PPP project in Surabaya, Indonesia with direct data survey and desk study, the paper begins by describing the concept of public private partnership (PPP) in general, public private partnership (PPP) in Indonesia and also the PPP projects in Surabaya, Indonesia. The processes and identified issues and challenges in its implementation are also discussed. Next, this paper will focuses on the strategies identified to overcome the issues and challenges. This paper also provides a detailed analysis of the issues, challenges and their strategies in PPP projects in Surabaya, Indonesia.

Updated: April 12, 2022