Title: PPIAF Assistance to the Republic of Chad

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: December 1, 2011

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Chad

Keywords: About PPP, Knowledge Lab

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

A document describing PPIAF's support to Chad across various sectors, as of 2011. 

Document Details:

The 2010 United Nations Development Program’s Human Development Index ranked the Republic of Chad (Chad) 163 out of 169 countries in the world. Extreme poverty, high vulnerability to food insecurity, and unstable security situation caused by recurrent armed conflict are the biggest constraints to economic growth in Chad. While the political situation has significantly improved since 2010, socio-economic conditions of the majority of Chadians remain precarious. Various reports on human development have noted the low probability for Chad to reach the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 despite continued efforts of the donor community to support poverty reduction programs. In recent years, the government of Chad and its key development partners have identified priority actions that can foster growth in the country. An emphasis was put on the need to reinvigorate the water and energy sectors since these are considered as critical growth drivers that can make significant impacts on the living conditions of the poor.

To complement the World Bank and European Union’s ongoing support to reform the water sector in Chad, PPIAF funded a comprehensive study to help identify the mechanisms for private sector participation in the Société Tchadienne des Eaux (STE), the Chadian water utility created in May 2010.

Updated: June 28, 2022